notareader's answer (5)

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If you really enjoy what you are doing now i would stick with that. Its so many peoples dream to travel the world doing what they love or even just like. I remember when I had to choose where to go career wise and I was reminded that nothing is set in stone and you are allowed to change your mind. Seems to me that you should do what you are doing ......   2 reply
02 04,2019
Non binary pansexual yaoi aficionado (●'◡'●)ノ   reply
13 12,2016
about penpals
Im 19 too! Add me on line id: -uwu-   1 reply
25 03,2018
I have no plans of it. Its a very religious ceremony where you are married before the eyes of god (whoever your god/gods are) and seeing as that is not my personal belief i have never cared about it. To me having a partner and choosing to commit to a life with them is just as strong. If it was very important to my partner i would do it for them. I ......   reply
15 12,2016
19 yo white non binary individual. I’m a cosmetologist student in Idaho. I’ve been addicted to yaoi since I was 15. Most of my friends think it’s weird but they love me anyway.   reply
23 12,2017