Shhhhh's answer (6)

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Anyway, y dont u stop getting mad at gay guys when we try to tell u what ur doing is wrong :) if u actually supported us u would listen when we tell u shit instead of writing an essay to invalidate our opinions :)   1 reply
21 11,2020
about question
I'm bisexual and I've been questioning my gender a lot recently but I think demiboy is the best label for me!   1 reply
02 06,2021
Dude draws porn and falls in love with his porn drawing assistant   1 reply
28 01,2021
about question
Cute face, soft & smooth skin, soft hair, cute waist, pretty hands, big eyes, cute smile, funny & extroverted, cute & wholesome on the outside but a little sadistic & obsessive on the inside   2 reply
29 02,2024
about being gay
sounds like u might be asexual   1 reply
20 01,2021
31 12,2020
reading or watching bl isnt bad but being a fujoshi is. reading and watching bl doesnt make u a fujoshi. fetishizing gay guys and not being able to separate reality from fiction does make u a fujoshi. if u read and watch bl but r also respectful towards actually ppl in the lgbtq community, its fine and ur not wrong.   2 reply
31 12,2020