Nezuku's answer (10)

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about question
Nezuku 25 04,2021
I wish.   reply
25 04,2021
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I did what I want.   reply
12 06,2021
Uh so I'm a girl soooo. This   reply
03 03,2021
I look a lil more yellowish tho   reply
05 06,2021
about question
I'm a girl and I'm absolutely disgusted by this question just the thought of someone drinking period blood straight outa the pussy omg I'm acc gonna throw up. Ur acc just sick in the head hope this helps   2 reply
10 days
I tried.   reply
07 07,2021
If he dies I die if hes truly dead I will be dead I will no longer be the same. HES NOT DEAD HE WILL COME BACK   reply
21 09,2023
about question
Here's mine   reply
29 08,2024
Nezuku 20 12,2020
A book Or hisoka Idk   1 reply
20 12,2020