I feel like it's just the marvel thing all over again it's just so hard to find female characters that are actually authentically female? if that even makes sense- usually makes you hate any female character they introduce, especially love interests which is not so fun because you wish you could look up to a female character reply
Not trans but lesbian here :)
A lot of my friends both LGBT and not also talk about feeling like this during their teen years
I did too,, for FOUR years!!
there's a lot of changes and pressure on you, a lot of conforming
but I just want to tell you from the bottom of my heart that you don't have to decide anything yet you have years and years a...... reply
I was going to try to explain this but as I was typing my thought process down I realised how ridiculous it all sounded. Hell even as a guy myself I couldn't possibly know.
I remember some weird articles floating around a few years ago about how all women are bisexual to some extent but I have no idea if that's true or not. Maybe it's just due to...... 1 reply
Hey hey I'm always open to talk and make friends (also 16, female, UK) I'm not super big on yaoi but I have read some bl and liked it so expect a dm maybe? ;) reply
Omg yes this is so cute! I often don't use my art instagram at all since it can be discouraging at times but please include me @suxart I've always wanted to do cute arty things on there 1 reply
Well, I was 4 in nursery so I doubt it..
Properly though when I was actually conscious that I was kissing someone? Disgusted honestly ;( My ex forced me into it and quite frankly he was a bit of a sleazebag.
He made me question if I was actually bisexual for a long time lmao. Maybe I should just count that kiss I had in nursery as my first after...... reply
When I was young I used to feel like this
honestly, there's no time limit or rush to these things
the best advice is to try to take your mind off it and just go through the motions
maybe you'll feel attracted to people in the future, maybe not
You probably won't know for sure until you start putting yourself more out there socially, following a...... reply
I would be interested in helping! I've been trying to conceptualise my own webtoon for a while now (lmao more like 3 years and never getting anywhere) so I feel like this could be a good learning experience for both of us? My spam is dietcherryade or we can talk on here- whatever is easiest for you? :) 2 reply
I'm lesbian and I guess I've always known but tried denying it a lot ://
Though, when I was a kid, I wasn't informed about LGBT and came from a small town. I thought most lesbians I actually knew in my life were boys and if you were a girl who liked a girl you had to pretend to be a boy. I was so stupid it still makes me laugh to this day. 1 reply