resting_bitch_face's question (1)

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Okay so, my criteria for reading a manga/manhwa/manhua is as follows: how the plot is, how it's written, how the story unfolds.. etc
But i don't understand one thing, like do y'alls criteria depend on how fluffy, sweet it is or how beautiful looking character are? I mean imagine a movie with fluff romance.. I don't think many people would go watch sumn like that (some would still go).
So what perplexes me the most is how people fail to understand the difference between fiction and reality. The thing is, there's a thin line between fiction and reality. If y'all choose to blur it up.. boom y'all would get delusional.
I understand how many people are trying to impart knowledge among people about how it's wrong to fetishize gay people. Also I'm not mlm ik I have no right to speak this but it's weird how y'all are trying to force people to not read yaoi. Idk much about lotta things, I've learnt about a lot of things from this site tbh, but i do understand something and that is how some fujoshis or maybe fudans are fetishizing gay people but not everybody.. there are minority who know the difference between fiction and reality. Like I read Yaoi and be like woah the plot was amazing and yeah there was a character development.. storyline was written very well... But that doesn't mean I will go and be like okay now i wanna be gay and fuck a dude or get fucked or some shit like that... NO! THAT'S A BIG FUCKING NO!! I treat yaoi the same, just like I treat straight love.. they fall in love they make love, they have their misunderstandings, they have their flaws and things like that (ik they're completely different things considering how society sees it when it's completely normal) but what I'm reading is fiction, a piece of literature.
If I'm reading about cannibalism does that mean from tomorrow onwards I'll start eating people.. NO!!
I'm saying this after seeing so many posts by other people and now they're targeting people who read Harada's works (I'm not even a fan) but this irritated me a lot like that's a author who makes a living by writing stories and people who read it like how they play with the plot and stuff like that.. but no y'all gotta bully people for that.
Like seriously, If ya got so many problems go join some NGO who actually help people irl not ranting here on a illegal site and calling people out for just reading. There's a reason why age limit is 18+ for reading many mature content because adults are able to differentiate between reality and fiction.
So if you can't do even that.. then I think you should stop reading any sort of fiction because I don't think you're mature enough mentally to differentiate between what's wrong and what's not...

I didn't thought this would become this long...
18 01,2021