Crimson Bites's question (11)

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I have and It was just some shadow man. Shit was so scary because it felt so real, worse part was I couldn't move or scream for dear life at all. I could only whimper or cry silently cause this son of a bitch was whispering on my ear as if I'd have eargasm listening to his tinklish ahh voice. Man that was fire tbough but he was too close for comfort. I'd rate the experience 2/10

I found out it was because I lack of sleep
25 11,2023
about question
Now personally for me, since I try to avoid as much as arguments as possible, I don't?? Beefing with another mangago user is beyond scary, so I always say at the end "just my personal opinion though"

Talking about beef, there's a discord server solely and exclusively for Mangago Users!

Join and interact with us however you want! and yes, you can be weird just like the members here but remember there's always a limit to how weird you can be! (17+)

Of course, since it's for Mangago Users and site these users uses daily revolves around hundreds or millions stories.

There are of course channels like Reaction, Recommendation, and Ratings! Mgg post, where you can send your profile link and share your list with us!

Once you enter, you will be welcomed by a available Staffs, Owner or Moderators.

You're welcome to join us! (17+) We'll be pleased to meet you there! ^^
13 01,2024
about question
I know this is probably bad and I should probably find something else to entertain myself but this school year has been too quiet, there aren't much drama happening

You can even share some real life gossips, you can name drop or have a name code for them. It's not like we'd know
08 10,2023
about question

This certain character but they have a camera as their head, orrr (overrated) a telephone. OMG CHECK OUT THE COM SEC, YOU'LL SEE
22 12,2023
about question
My cousin was recommending me a manga that I should read, she showed me the title n all. I tried searching the title on different reading websites but no results.

So I asked her, "Hey can you give me the website you read that specific manga you recommended? Curious lang ako and wala ring results lumalabas, na iinis na ako e." AND THERE!

She gave me the website and from then on this is the main site I use for reading mangas. What about you guys?
19 07,2023
about question
Erm, ones where they raised their love interest and everyone just ignores it because it's so "cute"
21 12,2023
about question
"You've been a bad kitten these past few days.." Alpha spoke in a lowly tone, almost as if he was disappointed in me.

Tears starts flowing down from my eyes, 'I've been such a burden to this strong, muscled alpha male, the leader of this pack' I thought to myself.

As I sobbed and sobbed, suddenly a paw reached out to wipe the tears off of my face. I looked at Alpha through my blurry vision from the tears I just shed.

"If you cry like this, I won't be able to punish you."

"I'm sorry! I was just so jealous that.. that other kitten had the audacity to touch you!"

He looked at me again, eyes gone softer and his brows that was once filled with displeasure, relaxed.

"I'm really sorry, I promised I won't do it again. Please, the alpha the omega and everything in between... Don't abandon me like those other alphas and the omegas and everything in between did.." I leaned on his paws that caressed my face. The warmth coming from his paw comforted me a little bit.

"Of course. I wouldn't leave you, my kitten. After all, you're the only one who suits with me the best."
22 12,2023
about question
I REMEMBER IT SO VIVIDLY. We were playing rock paper scissors and whoever loses has to drink the cup of saliva and continue the game, IT'S SO ICKY AND INSANE BUT IT'S FUN AT THE SAME TIME

Holy moly, I hate reminiscing it but checking out if anybody had the same experience so I won't feel lonely haha!

20 07,2023
A lot of girlies had commented about my big boobage, right?

But none of them are as bold as this certain girly This girly told me she wanted to feel them so she requested a method by doing a chest to chest hug. After doing that, she said "It's so soft, what about one squeezeee pleasee?"


Skl lang btw, just wanna hear y'all thoughts. If I do regret posting this, I might just have to delete it
07 10,2023
about question
For me, it would be that little wittle yellow puppy in Papa Wolf and the Puppy. I cried while reading it because it was the most cutest and adorable thing I've seen, I shed some tear I saved from the last 10 years
19 07,2023
about question
I've never felt so much after, I used to suffer from Hoe Disease but after this sweet and loving experience, I was in better shape! I hope to experience it again so I'll get that taste of nostalgia. Anyone else with me? Haha
19 07,2023