ᏕᎮᎧᎧᎮᎩᏰᎧᎩᎧ's answer (3)

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I have more but I can't think of them rn (I hate yeonha with a burning passion) (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸   reply
25 10,2020
A yakuza member, a cool powerful shounen anime dude thats the main character, someoneliketechnobladecuzhescool, mob from mp100, someone rich cuz I hate being poor, that one anime idk if u have heard or watched it but like the zombie jpop girls ??? but anywho the main character cuz she gets hit by a truck in the beginning and its funny(zombieland sa......   reply
27 11,2020
Gender- girl (ik ik gross blehhh) Age- 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Favorite manga- TBHK Favorite manhwa- Bj Alex (ik basic) Favorite song- Feel special by Twice (and i dont even like kpop) Favorite artist- singer wise idk mcr maybe but like art wise ZombieMakeoutClub Favorite Anime- either bnha, demon slayer, banana fish or tbhk idk Least Favorit......   reply
27 11,2020