PanPan's answer (9)

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australia here   reply
08 11,2020
Can we stop perpetuating gay relationships as something sinful and that should be hidden and repented for observing kthx.   1 reply
22 11,2020
I've only got Xingqiu, Noelle, and Beidou so far other than the quest ones. Got doubles of Noelle who I don't even use and another Kaeya which is ok ig. Still mad about getting 3 different 4 star swords and not one good claymore or anything   1 reply
02 11,2020
I personally argue a lot with anti-fujos, simply due to most of them being uneducated on BL terminology and history and most of them disguising their homophobia as "saving us from fetishisation" when in reality they're just erasing our representation. Obviously calling out fetishisation should be more common, as there is quite a lot of it, and I ge......   reply
28 12,2020
Pain is worth it honestly, obv be wary of triggers if you weren't already aware   reply
03 12,2020
Black hair, mullet (don't @ me it's not the gross shaved sides kind), i have glasses but i don't wear them and i wear mostly black. Idk how tall i am but im not short.   1 reply
13 12,2020
PanPan 26 12,2020
i tried to make myself but they didn't really have the right hair   reply
26 12,2020
I don't think much can really phase me anymore but this is nostalgic.   reply
13 12,2020
Overly attention seeking, and I don't mean just wanting acknowledgement, that's normal, I mean when they require constant and consistent validation and attention whenever available and won't let you have your own space. Also people who just dump a problem onto you, when you have nothing to do with it and then get mad when you don't know how to resp......   reply
12 11,2020