YesButLikeNo's experience (4)

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about sad times
09 04,2021
I drew something pretty for once so I wanted to share: I can't find the photo I was using for references because I forgot what I searched up, it was [something] model. Pretty sure that [something] was a japanese word. OH WELL. hope you liked, I found my sketchbook again so I might share more later.   9 reply
09 04,2021
Self explantory title. Carsein De Rass from the Abandoned Empress is, and will forever be, best boy. He was with her thick and thin throughout her life, and his character is the least problematic.. sigh..   reply
10 03,2021
This is just an opinion.. (spoilers)... uhh rant i guess Death Note is definitely one of my favourite anime. The utter brilliance of the premise in the first place is amazing, a notebook that kills people and having it executed in such a complex way. Light Yagami is the morally grey protagonist, who happens to be a dangerous genius as well, meets ......   1 reply
26 02,2021