Pika20's answer (4)

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i can silent my phone so no one disturb me or message me all the time. I can masturbate without fight with my partner. I can go on midnight ride on highway. I don't need explain anything to anyone and much more. I've been single around 5 years and I'm enjoying my time.   reply
28 09,2020
I am dramatic uke. Lol Intense, untrusting, and with a flair for dark drama, the Dramatic Uke experiences the world on a different level than most. Creative and deep feeling, they are experts at human emotion, and can see right through to your real motives and weakness. However, they are ruled by their own thoughts and emotions, sometimes too much......   6 reply
12 11,2018
Yeah, I've tried a couple times but I can't do it. my tits too small. Lmao.   reply
28 09,2020
No,i wont get married. I like kids,but thinking about married is big no for me. My parents divorced when i was 6 years old. After they divorced they introduced their partner to me. As long as i could remember they always had a different partner every 6 month or more. They want me to choose one of them. So i stay with my great grandmother. After all......   1 reply
02 11,2018