Nekyun's question (6)

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about question
24 04,2024
My brother has started reading berserk manga and every night when he reads a chapter he gets a new nightmare. On the first night he and my dad got into a car accident and my dad died. On the second night he accidentally pushed me off the balcony and I died as I got kebabed by the fences. On the 3rd night he dreamt he was sleeping and some super windy storm woke him up and as the winds got faster so did the ringing of his phone, when he woke up his phone started ringing again just like it was rining in his dream but this too is a dream then he actually woke up in cold sweat.

So yeah did any of you berserk readers had gotten any such nightmares lol?
24 04,2024
19 12,2020
Do you guys have it!?!??! I used to but now after reading bottomless swamp and candy man it's cooled down i guess...( ̄∇ ̄")
19 12,2020
about question
07 04,2024
Sometimes I find a manga to my liking and proceed to add it to my want to read or reading list and then I find out I've already added it lmao. Even in the reading list, theres a lot of the Mangas whose 1st or some chapters I've read and then forgot about it
I just wanna know if this happens to y'all as well.
07 04,2024
about question
Listen I think dark romance is alright like yeah the dangerous vibes very cool yum.
But do yall dark romance readers like the nc and cnc and r*pe too? Ngl I will judge you guys if yall like that too. Cause I literally read this comment somewhere while I was skimming for the summary of some dark romance book and a girl literally said she liked the r*pe and nc that the dark romance gives. Like...
25 04,2024
about question
In search for something good?
From bl to gl to straight to even fanfics of a toast and a shadow, we can provide it to you
Join our discord server to get recs that will keep your lists full even after you die.
You know, you can even roleplay and talk to cute girls and twinks in here, everybody is a friend material, they're sweet so you can join if you just wanna yap and play too
23 05,2024
about question
10 04,2024
Please give me some good guide verse recs and also recommend me Mangas like these two:
I love these so much, this witch of mine made me cry it was beautiful and I don't go for angst and sad stories but still it was worth it DO NOT RECOMMEND TRAGIC ANGST PLEASE IM TIRED OF CRYING
10 04,2024