¯_(ツ)_/¯'s experience (8)

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about penpals
02 07,2020
When i was in 5th grade we had an assignment where we would write letters to other students across the world, in short penpals. I don't remember my penpal all that well since it was a long time ago. From what i can remember my penpal is a girl, wears glasses, has curly (red or brown) hair, and lives somewhere snowy. Unfourtunaly I've lost the lette......   2 reply
02 07,2020
02 07,2020
WARNING: Really long thread and terrible grammar ahead I remember when I was young I would dream of places around the area where I lived even though I haven't been to those places before. The dreams were pretty vivid enough for me to recognize the buildings in real life.I remember passing to one of those areas and experiencing major deja vu......   reply
02 07,2020
When I was much younger I wondered if a stove would still be hot after you turn it off, so I placed my hand on the stove and ended up burning my hand. Had to put my hand inside the freezer since we didnt have ice packs. At the end of the day I learned that yes the stove will still be hot after you turn it off.   1 reply
29 07,2020
I remember when I had the worst panic attack in my entire life. The day of my panic attack I was already dealing with some hard stuff at that time and I was terribly stressed out. The morning didn't go off so well and once I've gotten home from school I immediately broke down on my bed crying. I sobbed and cried from mental pain and stress I just c......   1 reply
25 07,2020
Shiz hurts man. Everytime I read that sheet music just for 10 seconds my brain start to hurt but it pays off when you finally play that song perfectly and beautifully. -click the "reply" button if you want to know the basics of sheet music or just want to see my terrible teaching First of: To be honest if you want to learn piano I don't think y......   reply
03 08,2020
SPOILERS Clannad I just rewatched Clannad and I didn't know Ushio died bro that scene just broke me then I noticed that tomoya died as well from the heartbreak from Ushio's death which BROKE me even MORE Bro thanks creator for breaking my heart twice in one day Banana Fish This must be pretty obvious already. I was so happy when Eiji told ash......   reply
03 08,2020
First some information: When i was in middle school, my classmates and I would usually play pranks on each other, just for the fun of it. I dont remember who created this prank, but what we did was take some ice out of the food containers and put them into our classmates shirts. Our breakfast and lunch would be delivered to our classrooms since we......   1 reply
21 07,2020
Life is like a rollercoaster, but a really f***ed up one. Everyone has their own rollercoaster that rides up and down as years go by. Everything that happens in your life decides if your rollercoaster goes up or down, it never travels through a straight line too long. Like some quotes say "it is your choice to scream or enjoy the ride", it is your ......   reply
03 07,2020