rayha's question page 1 (53)

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details are a little foggy cuz it happened last summer but here i go anyway.
i was staying up late as usual and my mom came down telling me to go to bed. i wasnt really tired but i said yes so she went upstairs, whatever. then idk how much time passes, prolly not too long, but i hear my mom calling for me again and i realize im on the floor. i dont remember when i stood up, how i feel down, how much time passed, anything, i just know i was lying on the floor and i had blacked out. never happened again.
28 06,2021
about question
im curious on if you guys take care of yourselves or you're on the internet all day. if you do what's your exercise routine like? what do you do to keep yourself motivated?
08 07,2021
about question
why do i feel like none of yall would be able to do it?
26 06,2021
about question
anyone else get pressured easily? i hate people having expectations of me because i know ill disappoint them. it can be the smallest thing like, "you're a nice person." or, "oh rayha? she was such a good student, she always had great grades." or bigger ones like the expectations our parents have for us which you feel obligated to fulfill. idk a reason why i dont like interacting with people much and why im always a blunt bitch is because i dont want to have to fulfill anyone's expectations of me. it's not anything extraordinary but i wanted to rant about it (▰˘◡˘▰)
12 06,2021
about question
so the other day i tried making an acc cuz i wanna post art but it kept saying my email is already being used by someone- like bitch what? ok fine ill live with that. now i try using my rarely used alt email to make an acc but it was saying there's sum sus login activity and i need to put in a phone number???? i didnt make the acc with a phone number so how does that work? i dont even have a fucking phone what do you want me to do? also what 14 year old doesnt have a phone you ask? this one. i dont like it either.
waaaaaaaaaaaa anyway why does instagram hate me???? is my art that bad? cri crii. what do i need to do to make an acc??
04 07,2021
about question
preferably w/o bleach.
19 07,2021
about question
rayha 08 07,2021
what type of person are you? and im saying this in advance but pple who chose to fight when it's avoidable are stupid.
08 07,2021
about question
yall know any good ones with no harems?? my favorite one at the moment is "my crown prince consort is a firecracker!" and i havent been able to find any as good as it -n-
15 06,2021
about question
rayha 16 06,2021
so i jus saw another post abt it and i thought of something that always confused me. why is crossdressing even a problem in the first place? girls wear all types of clothes including suits, sweat, joggers, etc. and it's not called crossdressing. for fucks sake if a girl wore a suit she'll be called a boss lady or sumn, but when guys wear dresses and the like why do people get mad?? why do certain cuts of clothing become associated with gender in the first place- idk human logic is so flawed, i wanna commit unalive bc of it sometimes...
16 06,2021
about question
rayha 06 07,2021
recently had to deal with a very narcissistic person and it was annoying, idk if this test has already been posted here but take it anyway cuz i wanna see how big or small people's ego's here are.
06 07,2021
about question
ive had the unfortunate luck of tasting both and it's the carrot juice for me..
if yk sum juice that tastes worse than both-excluding the cum jokes- say that instead
01 07,2021
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tbh it depends on my mood
08 07,2021
about question
rayha 23 07,2021
am i being petty because i dont want to give the link for a novel to someone who asked for it since they disliked my comment on disqus? im laughing at how petty i am but i still dont want to give the link. and i feel like it's kinda justified. btw sorry for my bad grammar-
23 07,2021
kay so I'm 14 and I've never felt sexually attracted to anyone. I've had 2 crushes but only in a romantic way. I'd like hugging and being physically close with someone I'm dating but sex doesn't interest me in the slightest. I wonder if it's because I'm too young but other kids my age seem to be able to feel sexually attracted to others. Am I just young and overthinking it? I feel embarrassed to post this but it's been nagging my mind for a while -n-
19 05,2021
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soo ive made an album of manhwa girls i think are goddess's. drop some photos of you favorite girls so i can add them to it :D
also lowkey starting to think i could be bi cuz what straight girl spends almost three hours to make a shrine for girls-?? also ima make one for guys maybe tmrw. ion wanna edit any more pics today.
14 06,2021
about question
dont know why but avoiding bread has become second nature to me at this point even tho i eat sugary food all day- doesnt make sense but yuh
also not healthy but i jus dont like water. ill go for a cold cup of juice over water every time. it's been like this for years too. it's no wonder my health is trash lmfaoo
07 07,2021
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milk almond hershey's chocolate + white cheddar cheez-its is so good and you cant tell me otherwise.
13 07,2021
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i went outside for around an hour to do some gardening for my mom, be a good child yk? much to my disgust, those bloodsuckers seem to love me for some reason. unfortunately for them the love they have for me isnt reciprocated, how to kill them?
20 07,2021
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im bored and if you're clicking on this you prolly are too
05 07,2021
about question
for me, i dont know why, but since i was a kid, ive always had a black and white image in my head of a fat old man with a beard and glasses sitting on a big chair watching a black and white, slightly grainy, tv. in that tv was human's lives and he was just scrolling thru it like our lives were his entertainment...
man idek i believe we're all gone when we die but this still comes back to me from time to time.
01 07,2021