Idgaf's question page 2 (70)

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seriously whats the first thing that popped into your head, I wont judge
02 11,2020
29 10,2020
anyone know where Gregor Mendel is from? its for a school project and since im already on here might as well ask too lazy to google it
29 10,2020
I forgot to check the name and now I lost it but it had 35 chapters and there was a girl who was engaged to her child friend because of gang reasons idk but she likes somebody else and now her friends are helping her get with her crush pls anyone know the name?
14 12,2020
13 06,2021
If body parts could talk, what would they say?
13 06,2021
23 12,2020
Weird question but what was your time for the mile in school mine was always like 10 minutes and something seconds
23 12,2020
about question
My friend keeps telling me I have an obsession, I don’t know what she means
17 01,2021
I just spent my whole day reading something and i was so confident the mc was gonna get together with this guy but the ending was so dissapointing and he ended up with someone else and the guy got his heart broke TWICE. Anyway im sad so tell me some things in manga/anime/manhwa/whatever that made you cry.
24 10,2020
Sorry u were expecting something but can somebody pleeeassse help me with this I have no idea and I can't find it on google and I'm panicking.

What are some important ways you can prepare to encounter Jesus at Mass?
06 12,2020
02 11,2020
this is pretty boring but do you guys have pets and what kind? I have 2 kittens and 1 cat and my grandparents have a dog but I don't get to see it often because it lives overseas TT.TT
02 11,2020
I got a new phone and lost all of my 15,482 screenshots so send cute stuff to save.
13 12,2020
about question
24 07,2021
Give memes to distract me
24 07,2021
idk if this even makes sense
03 10,2020
about worst sin
22 10,2020
all over tiktok i see everyone talking about a mha duet wtf are they talking about can someone please tell me
22 10,2020
about question
30 04,2021
anyone starting the pssas or any other exams?
30 04,2021
about question
16 09,2023
Did anyone else’s site not work for like 5 minutes and just had a mini heart attack that the site was gonna be down for another 2 years
16 09,2023
21 10,2020
I haven't laughed in a while and i need a good laugh so give me some funny shit and not "hahaha so funny I literally threw my phone" nobody does that :/
21 10,2020
21 05,2021
21 05,2021
maybe this is just me or maybe its not but I overthink every little thing even asking questions on here. As i'm writing this i'm thinking everybody is just gonna think its annoying and whatever. Also worrying what others think of me even though they don't even know me. just wondering if anyone else on here is like this too......
29 10,2020
so theres this thing on lezhin and it looks interesting but its not in english on there yet so i was wondering if its on here yet I couldn't find it its called "Fair Deception" or 정당한 기만
29 10,2020
What are they?
07 07,2021