crunchysocc's answer page 2 (347)

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about question
i legit forget the existence of my friends or people in general until something reminds me of them again and this has put me in emberrassing and difficult situations ngl   3 reply
29 11,2023
about question
07 05,2024
toilet terrorist's hall of fame   3 reply
07 05,2024
13 11,2020
talk back to my mother   4 reply
13 11,2020
about question
i dont remember the name exactly but theres some user here who is on about some mirror world thing and how they are going to save the corrupted world and talks about stuff i dont understand   2 reply
4 days
about question
I'm addicted to this man   2 reply
16 11,2020
about question
I often think about this, i love kids and i love taking care of them, but what scares me is that im not emotionally stable enough and i might end up being an emotionally absent parent   reply
09 05,2024
when I saw what vagina looks like for the first time   2 reply
24 11,2020
This was pretty fun to draw   3 reply
09 01,2021
around 5-6 years ago i found somebody on the internet making a poll asking "how are your socks?" and one of the options was "crunchy" and it just got stuck in my head for very long so now here I am   1 reply
24 12,2023
When I was 7 i transferred with my family in another country, but since it was very rushed no one explained to me that we were actually transferring. My dumb ass thought we were just going on vacation and I remember being confused af when my mom told me about continuing school there ┗( T﹏T )┛   reply
07 08,2020
a bear, at least nobody will ask me what I was wearing if i get assaulted   1 reply
15 04,2024
Had this biology teacher in highschool, used to be my favorite and i was his favorite student too because i was the best on his subject. One day tho i dont know what happened but he decided to pick me (I was literally one of the most timid people in our class and he knew this. ) to improvise presenting to the class a PowerPoint presentation made by......   1 reply
21 05,2024
about question
a dude asked me how much my asshole stretches and i was 14   3 reply
09 11,2023
Bruh I entered the wrong car once. It was 1am and I was 9yo. There was a strange man inside and he was genuinely scared. It took me 3 whole fucking seconds to realise that my dads car was the one on the left. I'll never forget that man's expression and the way my brother made fun of me that night.   1 reply
12 08,2020
about lip lock
"who tf took my glasses?" asked it while having them on   reply
04 01,2021
I have incredible aim when i flick my hairties on people's forehead   2 reply
22 03,2024
about question
tbh sometimes i feel like there's so much going on at once that if i was about to sit in front of a therapist to get help i would have no idea what to say or where to start   3 reply
25 03,2024
about question
I'm on my knees   5 reply
19 11,2023
reading smutty yaois   reply
28 11,2020