crunchysocc's answer page 17 (347)

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about question
its okay to take things calmly, dont rush anything! especially when it comes to deciding your future, i know there's a lot of pressure about many things at that age but remember that it is okay to take your time to think things through, and if u end up taking paths that you regret later on remember u can always change it whenever you want, you got ......   reply
06 04,2024
about question
honestly yes, it was my best friend who actually pointed out to me how much in denial i was and that i should just accept that i like girls and yes took me like 2 years to actually admit it to myself   reply
10 09,2023
4-5 hours, been trying to sleep at least 7 lately though cause I can't function with few hours of sleep at all so I'm working on my schedule   reply
12 02,2024
31 01,2021
same, I have 18 now but before I changed my phone I used to have 50+, all stories I started but was too lazy to finish lol   reply
31 01,2021
My primogems decide it for me lol, it takes me a full banner period or two to have enough pulls for soft pity (there's no way I can get 5 stars without pity because of my shitty luck) so for now I can't get hu tao even if I want her, I'll just go for venti   reply
01 03,2021
i used to think that people get pregnant when they kiss and somebody kissed me on the lips and the following month i was panicking sooo hard and wasn't sure how to tell my parents that i might be pregnant... Good thing i ended up never telling them that would have been so emberrassing   reply
04 10,2023
1)yes 2)around 35 3) Razor, jean, albedo even though I don't put them on the same team 4) It's a battle between baizhu, fischl and xiao 5) chongyun (never felt the need to use him) 6) I go back and forth between english and japanese 7) electro 8)yes I guess 9) that's a difficult question but I think Keqing 10) ningguang's one I think honorable ......   2 reply
05 01,2021
23 12,2020
uhh I'm not sure I remember but I think it was around 8 minutes   reply
23 12,2020
about question
i just make espresso using moka and add a bit of sugar too and sometimes milk   reply
28 10,2023
okay this was pretty fun   reply
13 11,2020
23 11,2020
black because I found it inside a box along with my phone and I didn't bother buying a new one   reply
23 11,2020
If I get to be popular then I'll recieve lots of attention and as a person with a bad case of social anxiety I'll probably just stay at home and think about how much of a worthless coward I am   1 reply
10 01,2021
21 08,2020
I wish I had social skills   2 reply
21 08,2020
no really not, i think marriage is nosense, maybe unless it's done for religious reasons but idk cause I'm not religious. Also I don't want to feel tied to people by things that are not simply the way I feel towards them, means i just don't wanna be tied through burocracy documentation shit, it feels like it's something very forced and unnecessary......   reply
30 08,2023
I have the impulse to bite my hands and arms realy hard when I try to hold back from something   1 reply
01 01,2021
27 12,2020
I lucid dream relatively often but ngl i think I've never had the experience of people acting creepy when i realize, they stay unaware and i just do what i want   reply
24 12,2023 I think I sent this to one of my classmates   reply
31 01,2021
I never pay attention to lessons and hardly ever study but my grades are still somehow above average and I'm good at explaining math and chemistry to my classmates   reply
27 01,2021