crunchysocc's answer page 12 (350)

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Land of the loustrous, I'll literally never shut up about it   1 reply
10 10,2023
21 08,2020
I like my calmness. Everything around me could be on fire and I'd be there like "uhh yeah, whatever, shit happens, let's see if I can survive now -_- "   2 reply
07 09,2020
I wish I had some time alone but I live with grandparents and they both stalk me 24/7 even when I'm asleep   reply
30 12,2020
put a smile on   reply
30 12,2020
about lmao
just burn everything down, that should solve the problem   reply
27 11,2020
this was autogenerated but I really liked it so   reply
06 03,2021
I took a crap on a clown because I stink   1 reply
16 12,2020
I'm obsessed with this. The artist is called lamdalam and has a YouTube channel: She makes such aesthetic stuff, it's amazing   1 reply
23 12,2020
I tried to tell my mom once about a girl I liked and she just cut me off with "you're confused, it happens at your age" and I left it at that. My brother asked me if I liked girls once and I said no because I was scared of him even if he probably wouldn't get mad about it. As for my father I have no idea what he thinks about this topic, but I wou......   reply
29 12,2020
being theatrical, even tho I'm bad at actually expressing myself but i can naturally fake it in a theatrical way and people get entertainment from it irl   reply
21 12,2023
when I get the best grade of my class and they're still unsatisfied, it's frustrating ugh. And let's not talk about going out after the sun is setted (means in winter I can't go out after 5 pm BeCaUsE iTs dArK) And I'm not even that young, it's almost humiliating ;-;   reply
30 10,2020
there aren't many easly accessible weapons in my house so   reply
07 03,2021
i never confessed first I don't have balls for that   1 reply
05 12,2023
it is going from bad to worse and sliding to the far right It took away rights and laws that grants protection to lgbtq+ people, and made people's overall lifes harder especially outsiders and youngsters, the government literally got so homophobic and racist it's absolutely emberrassing it's like we went back to 1800 I just wish old people didn't ......   reply
10 10,2023
land of the lustrous is pretty cool to whatch and has stunning sceneries   1 reply
02 02,2021