crunchysocc's answer page 11 (350)

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27 12,2020
My mom is very stressed because of her work so when she can't do it anymore she releases her stress on me, but fortunately it's just yelling since she stopped hitting me years ago. But I still love her, the most scary family member for me is my brother, even though he defends me from my mom sometimes he randomly snaps and gets pissed for no reason......   reply
11 12,2020
I dont have a set style it is usually either dark academia or homelessish lmfao-   2 reply
04 04,2024
about question
I love good and kind mc that turns into evil and unscrupulous mc trope, with lots of psychological stuff in it also enemies to lovers   reply
22 09,2023
i think you should have a serious talk with your cousin she should really be careful and not consider dating older people for her own safety. Also the dude is a fucking loser he was so desperate that he went for young girls.. it's disgusting   reply
25 09,2023
about lmao
the fact that there are people who think that rape is a joke makes me want to cry so bad ;-;   reply
18 04,2021
a person i wasn't very familiar with at the time told me after some small conversation "once you die will you please give me your brain for research purposes" like uhh i guess that was a compliment? thanks? idk   1 reply
27 11,2023
do we share the same grandma? (⊙…⊙ )   reply
08 01,2021
about question
no specific bad events happened from what I remember but last year as whole was surely one of the worst stress wise, I'm so glad I'm out of highschool it was fucking unbearable and I'd cry almost daily cause I was too burnt out and stressed to go on plus some crazy ass final exams I did and from then I still haven't even had the chance to give myse......   reply
21 01,2024
about question
I loveee this kind of fashion but I'm too broke   1 reply
26 01,2024
about not sleep
27 11,2020
happy birthday!!!(≧∀≦)   reply
27 11,2020
i have a lot of stories to tell about this but ima tell the latest which happened a couple months ago, it was my grandma approaching me while i was sleeping/resting and she put her hand in the place between my legs and started rubbing there with her fingers like deadass it took me some seconds to understand what was going on and i immediately screa......   1 reply
04 12,2023
I just waste my time with videogames and sleeping :')   reply
10 11,2020
I made one of my teachers dismiss because during my oral exam I found out she supported one of the worst communist dictators lmao. But I have 0 regrets she supported the man who persecuted and ruined my entire family   reply
31 12,2020
01 08,2023
literally same here, school is fucked up in general we cannot catch a break. I graduated this year but still got nightmares almost every night about forgetting to study for exams or trying to make a PowerPoint last minute to present to the class for the next hour..   reply
01 08,2023
about question
looks is the first thing that I notice in someone and that makes me feel attraction, but let's say, if for example my boyfriend (or girlfriend) ever gets into an accident and gets his face disfigured, I'll still love him the same. Looks is just like a starting point but once you get into a serious relationship I don't think it matters that much any......   1 reply
05 03,2021
about question
idk abt others but when i get told that i take it with pride like "wow they think im independent" so yea imo she might not have meant it in a negative way   reply
22 04,2024
I spent all my brain juice on trying to not make the hands look weird and now I don't have any energy left for coloring lol   reply
09 01,2021
I only have 11 wishes and I'm not even close to pity but I want xiao so bad, I even prepared a good team set up for him so he better come home (yes I know I'm far too optimistic ;-;)   1 reply
27 01,2021