aliciarune's answer page 1 (27)

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For freaks sake, will you quit it already. We don't know why this site went down alright. And Kissanime did not get taken down because of people spreading about it. Please do your research. These threads are pointless and whiny. And kissanime and mangago have nothing to do with each other. The reason was not the spreading of the site. Like come on.......   reply
17 03,2021
Thanks for ruining it for others. And let people pair up who they want. This is why I'm not part of fandoms, twitter, or instagram. So toxic and with entitled people thinking they can tell others who to ship.   reply
07 09,2020
Again, people on here refuse to do advanced research. Look up the reddit of Kiss Anime. It was likely not taken down because of Japan's new law. I'm tired of people of not looking into this. Also, there's been debate on whether Japan's news laws can touch sites outside of Japan. I don't think it can. Worry more about places like Funimation taking ......   3 reply
31 08,2020
First thing is first, how are you lazy? You work a 9-6 job. You have a right to be tired and wanting to rest after coming home and having a calm weekend. I'm not saying it's good to sleep all day, but you are far from lazy friend. I will say, you and I have some similarities. I just turned 27 and live with my mom, and though we have fights, she doe......   reply
20 07,2020
It's sad to see this site becoming like mainstream media. From the topics, to the comments, many just seem to like being angry at everything or forcing their opinions on others or even betting down people. Now I'm getting to know this whole rage culture better. No room for the in between. Honestly, I wish mangago would just shut off the topics on......   1 reply
08 09,2020
Don't take this the wrong way, but Mangarock made a bit of a dumb decision to make their illegal manga site into an app, and then charge for it. That's illegal, charging for something you don't own. They made a very silly decision doing this. The difference between this and Mangarock is that at least MG isn't charging anyone. I won't deny I am worr......   reply
27 06,2020
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think pure love has ever existed when it comes to romance. Even the best of couples go through hardships. Like you, I've always wanted to believe in that pure love your see in manga, books, and drama or at least that I would find the one. Sadly, especially in this day, things like this either don't exist or are really h......   1 reply
31 07,2020
11 03,2021
You people are very irritating. This is this sites official twitter I bet the page you were on was just made. Please, do you research and use your brain. The site may well one day be taken down, but these posts are annoying and don't help anything. I also find it weird that you didn't show proof, as usual with ......   reply
11 03,2021
about question
20 11,2020
Straggots....Seriously. What's wrong with you guys? The immaturity and unpleasantness levels really are shocking, even on a site like this.   reply
20 11,2020
I don't like doubting people and I know this is a thing. I've seen it a few times with certain girls acting like this. However, unless you have proof and show a screenshot or something, I labelling this as trolling. Show proof so you don't seem like someone trying to start something. This topic has been brought up a lot, and it's hard to find relia......   1 reply
07 09,2020
This is very disgusting. While i don't support harassment, she needs to be called out for it and apologize. Instead of saying I'm sorry, she's talking about slander and taking legal action. Quite immature. Also please, don't use the whole 'It's just fiction and so not real' argument. It's just an excuse to support things like this, rape, ect. Just ......   reply
12 03,2021
28 09,2020
This is the problem with COVID, it's very hard to tell if you have a cold, flu or covid-19 itself. Honestly, you could easily have a cold. I often lose my sense of smell when my nose is stuffed up. Same if you lose taste. For some reason, when the nose is stuffed up, you can easily lose both of those senses. Still, I'd just get a test to make sure.......   reply
28 09,2020
about have sex
Do some women/men fetishize mlm and/or f/f? Yes. Do all? No. Do all people who read yaoi do it? No. Is it wrong to do? Yes. Is it wrong to read yaoi and not truly care about the hardships of lgbt? Yes. Honestly, I have no idea if many people who read yaoi and/or yuri do this. I don't talk to many people, but I wont' arrogantly say they don't do i......   1 reply
06 09,2020
about crying
Please don't bring kissanime up. The reason it was taken down was not due to it being shared. Look this up. Also, this site was likely malfunctioning due to d big service provider in France catching on fire. This server provider stretches throughout all of Europe and hosts many sites. When the fire happened, many websites shut down. Stop jumping ......   1 reply
16 03,2021
about crying
Mangago may not have shut down due to tiktok/twitter. It was likely this It's dumb to post on tik tok but also there's not much that can be done about it.   reply
16 03,2021
Thanks to those whose comment (for some reasons I cannot reply). But it does seem quite bleak honestly. I am of many who especially need sites like magago for not only manga, but also people. With how the pandemic has forced so many at home and alone, we need an escape or at least talk to others. I know it's illegal and I try to support creators wh......   reply
08 10,2020
Okay, let's try not to generalize a group of people or single out a certain fandom. In my opinion, all fandoms have a dark side. I don't see why you have to single out people who like/love BL manga. In my life, I've seen plenty of nasty people in the Shoujo community and especially action. While I won't deny that certain fans can be cruel or misogy......   1 reply
08 02,2024
You know, through my lifetime I've had to struggle with humanity and wondering if most people are good or at least honestly decent human beings. When 2020 came around, my hope drastically dwindled and I found humans to be quite horrible.. Today, my hope has gone down even more thanks to this thread. It's like everyday that I try to keep going, I se......   reply
28 01,2021
about crying
So yeah, if you're gonna judge me just because I criticize something, please at least don't run away. This users proved my point though when judging me and then running.   reply
17 03,2021
To be honest, most things have there problems. For example, I've come to dislike Shoujo due to the female lead often being weak and generic. And the guys all fawn over her for no real good reason. In terms of yaoi, I read it because it's cute and helps my depression. I know though that it's not real and real gay couples don't act like what one sees......   reply
08 08,2020