Comrade Mommy's answer page 7 (188)

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Grind -but shit like this helps   reply
09 01,2021
about lmao
Rebel girl by bikini kill always reminds me of a bestie that blew his head off. We were the most alike of our friend group, both being that kid that did dangerous stuff. Together we were really dangerous. Like I remember the night after my 18th bday. Smoking blunts in his car driving 100mph on icy back roads, laughing how we were prob going to die.......   3 reply
11 09,2023
about question
After having a baby I dumped all my friends bc they wouldn’t get their sht together. Now I struggle to make friends bc most ppl like me, who’ve had my life experience, are dead or drug addicts. I’m a neurodivergent reformed trainwreck with a history of trauma and who did sex work. I don’t relate to other moms & I fear letting ppl close. Bu......   1 reply
06 09,2023
3 words: end stage capitalism 2 more words: failed state   reply
17 01,2021
Having two pagan mom’s. Being in a group home for bad kids. Also apparently I was a satanist which irritated me bc I didn’t believe in god or Satan. But I ran with it and my fav tag was satan’s penis and I love sucking demon cock. Also I wrote a hard core erotic novella for writing class and read it aloud in class. Also there was a rumor I fc......   1 reply
17 01,2021
The end of me feeling safe in this world.   reply
08 08,2020
Yeah yeah yeahs Hole Souxsie & the Banshees PJ Harvey Social Distortion Sonic Youth Metric (especially their older music) Soap & Skin   1 reply
07 11,2023
about question
Browned cheese is revolting. It ruins mac n cheese, lasagne and even pizza. It smells like ass and tastes even worse then ass. I’ve gone down on a guy after he played baseball in summer, still didn’t taste as bad as browned cheese.   3 reply
10 12,2023
about question
Idk how many of y’all have children but I have a kid and think the convo is nuanced. I also spent the first 6 years of my life with no electronics. Like literally on special occasions we were allowed to watch some classic or go see a Disney movie in the theater. Ofc nonstop electronics is bad, but I also have a lot of sympathy for parents, especi......   reply
06 12,2023
Yes and came close. But the thing is we get one shot at life and it’s been shown that of those who survive an attempt a majority live and don’t end up killing themselves. So call someone, reach out, call a suicide hotline. One of my best friends killed himself when he was 21. He’s missed so much. When were young we sometimes don’t think thi......   reply
18 08,2018
about question
4 me it’s anything by Teresa Wack   reply
06 11,2023
about question
Comrade Mommy
31 10,2023
No bc anyone who follows my lists doesn’t have the amount of manga/manhwa under their belts that I have. I don’t really follow anyone anymore bc I’ve been through this whole site. The only follows I do now is het stuff. I found I can read het stuff that’s not overly sexual (my own hang ups bc I have no prob with yaoi smut) so I dived into h......   2 reply
31 10,2023
I already decided I won’t survive bc I absolutely refuse to live in a world without AC, Internet and seltzer. I mean at first it wouldn’t be so bad, you’d be running on adrenaline and as long as it was a nuclear apocalypse sht would still be around. But 10 yrs down the line when your dying of gangrene and trying to mold bread to make antibio......   reply
12 07,2021
Y’all want to her something crazy? If you’re breastfeeding a baby & you hear another baby cry, your milk will let down you’ll start leaking titty milk. I was bartending at a nice restaurant when I was breastfeeding. I’d pump before work but one time near the end of my shift an infant in the restaurant started crying & I leaked through my br......   reply
24 09,2023
It’d be interesting if the question was to ask ppl who’ve seen you around, who they thought you are. Like how old, what your backstory is. Humans tend to build storylines subconsciously. That’s be fun, if ppl started asking: do you know me and what do you think my life is is like and what I’m like irl. And no I don’t know you. But I’m a......   reply
10 05,2021
about nosebleed
Sometimes I just squish them when Im thinking. Prob the only downside to chopping them off. Or least half of them off. I’ve been lugging these DD’s around since I was 14. I’m done with romance, I’ve reproduced and used them to nurse a child for 5 yrs (she refused to quit the nanas) I can’t have more babies bc I’m basically allergic to ......   reply
12 05,2021
about question
You know there’s a ton of straight dude who are dying to see that. Straight guys love seeing chicks lick their own boobs and lick their fingers after sticking them in their twat. I bet you could make a killing in porn if you’re flexible enough to do it.   reply
29 01,2021
I think most ppl are virgins bc they hadn’t had a chance to have sex yet. Or they haven’t had a chance to do it with someone they want to do it with. Some ppl are bound by repressive religious doctrine and a few are scared. And some % isn’t interested bc they are asexual or bc of past trauma. If I could tell a virgin anything it would be that......   2 reply
08 04,2019
I’m a stay at home mom. Which are words I never thought would come out of my mouth. Also words ppl who used to know me would have thought would be the next to the last thing I’d ever do. The last being that I would become a nun. Idk if they except ex whores as nuns. I’m domesticated challenged and was known for my large vocabulary interspers......   1 reply
01 01,2019
I’m hooked on opiates   1 reply
03 06,2021