Comrade Mommy's answer page 5 (188)

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Things will get better. When you’re young something like this feels like the end of the world. 10 yrs from now you’ll joke about being devastated about exams and wish exams were the worst thing you have to worry about now that you’ve got a job, a partner and adult sht like car payments to deal with.   reply
04 05,2021
That I got the vaccine. Well first shot, 2nd is on the 26th. Now I feel bad bc the person I’m hiding it from had her feelings hurt bc her oldest kid didn’t tell her till afterwards. We all love her and she’s amazing and wonderful but we also don’t want to make her worried and she’s got issues with vaccines we don’t have.   reply
18 05,2021
The one who says fck it I’m going home btches. Y’all stay fcking each other while a guy wearing another dudes face sticks a chainsaw up your ass. I also would be the first to give up in the apocalypse bc I refuse to live in a world without ac, the Internet and seltzer water.   reply
23 04,2021
I lived in a studio on the beach during the off season and unbeknownst to me a drug dealer lived there before. One night, late at night before I could afford a phone, a guy started pounding on my door. Screaming he knew (some guys name) was in there. My door has glass panes in it and he broke several of them and tried to get in. Scared the sht out ......   reply
27 05,2021
My mom died. She was fine and then she wasnt. She was so scared and I held her as she fell. The paramedics took her and I thought it was fine bc they sat there. Then they came Back and said to hurry to the hospital bc she’d gone into respiratory arrest which made her heart stop. It was Stopped to long. We had to decide to pull the plug on life su......   1 reply
26 02,2021
My dreams are to change my country into a highly diverse socialist utopia, like Sweden or Norway but with poc (cause those countries are white as fck) and to open a home for senior dogs who are homeless.   reply
25 08,2020
My ex called me dumb bitch so much it was basically my nickname. I called him a dick so much when my baby first started talking she called her stuffed pig a dick. So I stopped, but it was hard bc he was such a dick. But when I was little I was called pumble after a platypus. Apparently there was a tea with a platypus butler, a little blonde girl an......   reply
10 03,2021
My mom passed away in 2020, but she wouldn’t have cared except she wasn’t impressed with cocks. It would be payback for the trauma of a young me finding her “joy of lesbian” sex book and a 1/4 bag of weed under her bed. Just a friendly FYI to parents and future parents. Hide yo sht better then my mom.   reply
06 03,2021
about question
Dude I’ve been there. I think you’re a girl so I’m framing this from a female perspective. To many guys (whether it’s conscious or not) bank on the fact women worry more about being rude then their own comfort and safety. It’s such a problem that I had to sit my daughter down to talk about what to do when (bc it will be when not if), a gu......   1 reply
30 08,2023
US here. (Forgive my rant:) Where bc of Lord Commander Dipshit we’re fcked. I have OCD, mostly in remission; (I still have a thing for numbers, and a fear of disease) and I’ve been way to obsessed with pandemic disease fiction/movies/shows. I should never watch/ read that shit. In fact one of the first things I thought of when dumbass was elec......   reply
28 03,2020
Comrade Mommy
19 12,2020
I don’t do that but I’ll blut out “stop” or stop thinking” over and over. Sometimes if it’s an intrusive thought (I have OCD) like a memory my mind is making me relive, ill smack my head. But it’s not something that happens a lot anymore bc my OCD is usually between 70-90% in remission.   reply
19 12,2020
My life is weird anxiety triggers: leaving my house, the week before my period, going to sleep, ppl looking at me, talking to ppl, anything to do with my kid’s safety, skin changes, my ovaries (I fcking hate them), going to the dr, MRI machines, being under anesthesia, being trapped, breathing, my skin, my hair, making phone calls, taking a medic......   reply
11 11,2023
Dog style. Masterpiece and a heart fcker   reply
17 01,2021
Hell yeah. I loved my boobs when I was nursing my baby but after 5+ years of breastfeeding my DD’s are saggy and annoying. Breast surgery sounds like it would suck and but done with my tits. I’m done having sex and I can’t have anymore children bc pregnancy hormones make my gall bladder and liver stop working properly so fck these titties. I�......   reply
29 07,2020
I’m just picking from my favs list that not a lot of ppl have read. •Maniac ni Aishite ~art is wonky but it’s adorable and hot af •Scarlet by Madarame Hito ~ gorgeous art and fcked up but beautiful story. Biggest issue is It’s not long enough   reply
28 01,2021
My mom kept her weed and a copy of joy of lesbian sex under her bed so she wouldn’t give a single Fck. I used to get baby sat by this hot af gay couple who weren’t great about keeping their br door locked and I used to wander in and look at the pictures of hot naked men they had on their bedroom walls. They never got mad at me bc they spoiled ......   reply
14 09,2020
about question
I like the last chapter read feature but the “complete”, “not complete” info is gone. I’d like to see that come back.   reply
27 04,2021
Bread, anything with gluten. Also oats. I have CFS and it makes it worse. It sucks bc nothing beats freshly baked French bread. Or tiramisu. Or real NY style pizza. Such a fcking btch   reply
25 04,2021
A 15 year old blk kid from my school was murdered by an adult after him and his friend broke into the mans garage. It was just kids doing stupid shit but the man followed him and shot him in the back, killing him. He got away with it bc he was a upper middle class white man and the black kid was from a working class fam. I was on my way to school w......   reply
25 07,2020
I can’t remember mine but I’ll nvr forget when my kid split her head open. She was 3 and visiting my mom so I could take a nap. My mom calls to tell me that Kaia fell running across the living room and busted her head open and they’re on their way to the er. I literally run to the hospital with her dad. She’d hit her forehead on a rocking c......   reply
19 06,2021