JustLemmeEatMyJollyAssSoup's question page 3 (70)

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Have u ever felt just the biggest oof the biggest cringe if u have then please share ur experience(s). If not what do u think would make u cringe the most. Sank you.
02 08,2020
Have u ever felt that u aren’t understood and that people always act like they know u when they really know nothing about u? That no one would know or care if u died or disappeared? That anyone that loved or cared about u would either only get hurt or is stupid for caring about u? That there’s just nothing that’s holding u here yet u can’t seem to leave? That u wanna break that u wanna leave and just relax and just breathe free and just disappear for a bit or forever? Feel free to get anything that is weighing u down out here and just let it out.
16 08,2020
Or any art really I wanna know what types of art you guys like if you can pls include pictures if possible ty.
17 10,2020
Lol I had the idea to make a discord server to have fun and make mangas webtoons manhua/manhwa we can maybe also make a scan team? Idk yet we can improve together like we can do lots of things sorry I don’t know how to say it in only a little words. So we can also do novels comics I need suggestions lol but I need help making the server so plz message me on discord lunar#1324. Like I said we can make webtoons mangas novels songs anything or just have fun message me if u want more details about it plz message me on discord if u can help me make the server I will put link later after it is finished also when u respond plz say what u wanna do in the server we will prob just have fun most the time but if u a workaholic then we can do that too so reply with ur role u wanna do so like novel or song or improve_____ so yeah lol watch no one understand and not respond. Just message me if u have questions. Plz, sorry if it made no sense when I wrote this in my mind it sounded easy and was understandable. I’m sowwwwyyyyyyyyy.
05 09,2020
Finish it.
27 10,2020
Yo gotta question for y’all humans don’t answer if ur not human. Why? Why you killing everything even if you ain’t directly killing it, are you doing something to cure what you have done or do u just expect it to be ok? Why do you panic when you gonn die like it gonn happen anyways so why me no understand. ;-; why you gotta hate gays just because they different. Why you gotta make a huge deal outta everything “oh no there’s a fire we gonna get burned to death!” Why not “oh no all the trees are dying we must put it out!” Anyways what do y’all think bout humans as humans or cats or aliens what you think bout them there is no hate in this question just wanna y’all’s opinions
19 10,2020
So if we are atoms and we eat atoms isn’t that cannibalism?
15 11,2020
i made a discord server originally for making manga so if ur interested in that feel free to join also if you just wanna have fun then you can join for that too. https://discord.gg/N25jbUF
21 09,2020
15 11,2020
do y'all gots any good picrews that i can do? im bored af
30 04,2021
I need help/advice I have strong hatred towards my mother not like oh I hate her she’s so annoying but like I hate her so much I wouldn’t care if she died. So I wouldn’t kill her of course and I don’t have any psychological problems but I hate the very sound of her voice every word out of her mouth and really wouldn’t care if she died I might cry but I have known for a while that I never understand why I display a certain emotion after I display the emotion and recently I have just felt the hatred grow plz don’t call me crazy cause I really won’t care at all you’ll just waste ur time trynna call me crazy so plz don’t. I just want advice on how to either stop hating her or lessen it cause if it grows enough then I don’t know what I’ll say or do I just get emmense hatred and anger to her and am always wishing she would just shut the fuck up and never speak again. Again sorry if I sound crazy or somn but my hatred grows everyday and I don’t know what to do.
29 08,2020
Been havin lots of issues at home and with myself and trynna fight myself a lot lately so tell me who do you love the most, seriously. And why plz.
18 09,2020
Are you ok? Like honestly in this moment are you ok, are you happy, are you hurting? Etc. just tell me how y’all are feeling I care and if you feeling sad here take this hug (づ ̄ ^ ̄)づ C’mon. Hope you are good if not hope you feel betterrrrrrrrr lots of loveeeeeee <3333333333 (Ps those aren’t fart smokes ;-; it is heartu)
21 10,2020
i'm putting my server everywhere so yeah plz join made the server to make manga so if u wanna do that you can join for that or just to have some fun we chill we grew a lot today but still only a few peeps plz join TvT. https://discord.gg/N25jbUF
21 09,2020
Look at this wholesome sad and cute vid on yt T^T don’t watch if u have lost a loved one and don’t wanna live through the pain again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUDlF4dkhjM
Itsh so sad T^T also sorry for putting this here I don’t know how to do question shtuff.
03 09,2020
16 11,2020
I’m kinda scared and confused rn does anyone else feel like their emotions aren’t theirs and think about why they felt an emotion after feeling it? I got hurt and against my will I shouted and said open,open,open,plz my hand was stuck between the car door and the car so it shut on my hand. Then spent days thinking about why I felt pain why I said that. Anything that I feel irl makes me so confused I don’t know why I feel that emotion unless it’s the internet then I understand oh I cried cause they died and I liked that character or seeing them in pain and crying cause someone died makes me sad. But irl I cry cause someone yelled at me I want to be angry I want to hate them and I do but I cry and I don’t understand why I want to be angry I want to shout at them to shut up but I can’t. When the door shut on my hand I wonder why I didn’t just yank my hand back? Why didn’t I hit them when they yelled at me blaming me for something that I didn’t do. Does anyone else feel this? Or just me?
03 09,2020
Sooo... I was just thinking how we call the censored d*cks lightsabers right? So does that mean that Star Wars is just a bunch of people waving around d*cks? I mean think about it. Lmao I’m sorry I’ll go back to the trash can now.
26 10,2020
What do you think about death are you scared to die are you looking forward to that moment when you leave this world or do you simply not care.
21 09,2020