eww's answer (5)

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18 01,2021
it’s bc she went to the fucking Bahamas during a pandemic and she’s been recorded in a past stream where she’s like calling everyone out who r partying during the pandemic like wtf? calling them selfish n shit. also she um went to multiple parties and said she wouldn’t again but there she is going to the Bahamas. i get that she’s young bu......   1 reply
18 01,2021
about question
i dont like him i think he’s freaky and scary   reply
29 11,2020
14 11,2020
this happens sometimes with me too i just refresh or wait a few minutes. have you tried https://mangakakalot.com/manga_list?type=latest&category=41&state=all&page=1?   reply
14 11,2020
um.. anyways so   reply
24 02,2021
hold up what...   reply
18 11,2020