Currently addicted to Gen Hoshino, Nissy, RADWIMPS, GOOSE HOUSE, KANA-BOON, Kana Nishino, Rina Katahira, BRADIO and Sekai no Owari.
I accidentally found a song by RADWIMPS (Iindesuka) And I highly enjoyed it and binged listened to all of their albums (Currently in love with their recent song "I Novel").
GOOSE HOUSE covered their song "Iindesuka". And so I binge listened to all of their covers up to the point where they started releasing their own compositions (I really like "Sing" and "Perfume").
GOOSE HOUSE covered a lot of songs from other artists which led me to branch out more in the JPOP genre. Through GOOSE HOUSE, I discovered Gen Hoshino, Nissy, Kana Nishino and Sekai no Owari. The rest I discovered through anime.