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I haven't really seen many uke's having sex with others. It happens on occasion but even then they aren't in a committed relationship or just part of a sex friend agreement. They aren't obliged to be faithful to anyone. Relationships don't fit into a "one size fits all" explanation. Traditionally, women are portrayed to being adverse to that but ......   reply
03 02,2017
(It will be a big ramble on my initial thoughts on the matter, shit storm, brace yourself) Well, I agree with what most of the people said. Yaoi is originally derived from shoujo magazines, so ukes are like an "evoluted female", while semes inherit the prince-like characteristic that women (the main target of BL magazines) wish to see in an ideal ......   reply
04 02,2017
As someone else said it has to do with the female fantasy of the perfect boyfriend. The uke, meaning the female role can be flawed, slutty, sleep with multiple people in the manga and the female audience is pretty much ok with that. It's something that doesn't hurt them because they identify with the uke. On the other hand the seme, meaning the m......   1 reply
04 02,2017
It's hard to answer why manga artists make characters that do these simply based on the idea of the character sleeping with other people. The reason can be very different based on the circumstances the artists put these characters in and on what light they show them. They can range from just for the sake of throwing in a conflict in the story to re......   reply
04 02,2017