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I regret many things but the thing I regret the most is reading hogu hagyeongsu fuck I rlly wish I read the comments and like an idiot I was I read it till the end. (=・ω・=)   1 reply
31 07,2020
I regret saying i read yaoi out loud. They think im crazy, they're not wrong though. But they're starting to avoid me, and trash talk behind my back   2 reply
25 07,2020
to me my biggest regret is not knowing much about my grandma from my mother's side before she died, I didn't even cry on her funeral, And I fell so guilty about it.   reply
31 07,2020
Reading kpop fanfic   reply
01 08,2020
Current biggest mistake was, using my phone waayy too much when I was little. I used to stay up late, didn't communicate, and gradually became sorta obsessed with my privacy. A lot of drama surrounded me during those days and I didn't feel like I had anyone to lean on coz everyone was going through their own set of shit, so now my social anxiety is......   reply
31 07,2020
Not being able to punch my sister that had physically and mentally abused me before she left for college. I also regret Never standing up for myself. Regret not being able to trust people around me and end up pushing them away   reply
01 08,2020
farting in front of my crush, it was hella awkward and embarrassing   1 reply
31 07,2020
I regret not stepping out of my comfort zone more. Because I was too comfortable in my little space, I avoided people who were genuinely trying to talk to me and get to know me. That was probably the worst mistake I could have made. I would have probably been able to make more friends if I weren't so closed off.   reply
31 07,2020
Not being more of an asshole and standing up for myself. Cuz damn life is gonna wreck you whether you like it or not and it's often going to be by the people closest to you.   reply
31 07,2020
I regret a lot of things I have done in life till now but one of the most regretful moment I can think of now is that I was a coward for not doing anything when I got bullied and on top of that I wasted my parents money on buying stuff for them which I regret soo much and I don't like to think about my past self at all because of all the thing I ha......   reply
31 07,2020

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