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There’s a lot of wishes tbh. One of them would be to be more confident, to love myself more, and to get rid of my social anxiety. Another would be to just be happy, and to get rid/lose my insecurities. And finally, to end racism or any kind of discrimination(such as homophobia etc...), world hunger, and animal abuse worldwide(lmao that was a stre......   2 reply
29 07,2020
Turn back time   1 reply
24 07,2020
To be prettier and bring some people I love back from the dead! Etc...   1 reply
24 07,2020
for people to like me :,)   reply
29 07,2020
to be able to manipulate probability   reply
29 07,2020
To see my grandparents again to apologize and thank them for all they've done for me.   reply
29 07,2020
Become a Billionare and live a solitary life off an island   reply
29 07,2020
To be able to travel any where instantly to help someone no matter wether they’re fake or not if it’s a fake world then I turn into a new character or something to help them. I just feel like I owe it to them even if I don’t know them.   reply
29 07,2020
i wish i had a more accepting and less hateful family. i also wish i was attractive and had better grades and motivation (between those)   1 reply
29 07,2020
i’d just wish for my family to be wealthy ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ a lot of problems would be solved and there’d be less stress if we had more money :’)   reply
29 07,2020

let's be positive

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