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I want to say that you did the right thing telling your other parent. What your father did to you was sexual abuse and I hope you get the right help so that you can manage all of this properly. If the mental health assistance you can get on campus is good, go ahead and take advantage of it, you're already paying for it anyway. I think that this w......   reply
23 07,2020
First off you were brave for even telling your mom, people who get sexually harassed sometimes don't even get someone to tell. I think it would be a good idea just to vent onto someone you trust first, and then if you feel comfortable with telling your counselor to go ahead if you feel like you need more help then fuck it go to a therapist. As lon......   reply
23 07,2020
It wasn't rape but that doesn't mean that it's right. Whether or not it contributes to what you're feeling right now, I don't think you're unbothered by it if you're asking if it's a problem in the first place. Isn't it better to clear up every single tie to bad pasts regardless of how they're related to each other?   reply
23 07,2020

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