Kinda Embarrassing I guess

¯_(ツ)_/¯ ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 2020-07-21 02:24:27 About embarrassing story
First some information: When i was in middle school, my classmates and I would usually play pranks on each other, just for the fun of it. I dont remember who created this prank, but what we did was take some ice out of the food containers and put them into our classmates shirts.
Our breakfast and lunch would be delivered to our classrooms since we didn't have a cafeteria

It was breakfast time and our food has arrived, my homeroom teacher wasn't there I assume they went to the office or something, that means we were unsupervised, that also means we get to be rowdy. I wasn't joining in on the fun from, what I can rememebr i was doing some work or reading a book, my mind was in like a totally other universe. As I was doing my work a firend of mine suddenly dropped ice in the back of my shirt, i was startled by this so i let out the biggest moan that anyone could hear, just realizing what I've done I instantly became embarrased and gave my friend an f you look. It was a good thing that the class was pretty loud and that only a few people heard it.

To be honest thinking about it at this point it wasn't so embarrassing, i mean i did get weird looks but my classmates proabaly didn't care since the boys would usually do those sounds regularly hahaha. I did get my revenge at the end so it wasn't so bad.


Puffyflake July 21, 2020 2:31 am

I have a crush on some guy in my class and then I told one of my friend about it and she yell in the classroom saying I have a crush on that guy,he looked at me with disgusted eye...I cry all night having a trauma and I have trust issues after was so embarrassing because that guy was actually my classmate.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ July 29, 2020 3:16 pm

Oh dang, I actually remembered one of my classmates told my crush that I liked him I was pretty mad and embarrassed, but to have that secret yelled in the classroom? That's so harsh to let a secret to be let out like that, I hope you're doing alright these days.


embarrassing story

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