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I'm gonna need a little bit more context because I'm not sure what ABM stands for. I'm guessing a field in a business major? I'd first suggest that you take the thinking process about this slow and steady because the stress definitely won't help, been there, and hated it all. Look at what your program does in upper years, look at the kinds of cours......   1 reply
20 07,2020
First off: I agree with the others, I’m a third year college student, and I only took the general required classes except maybe one or two classes for the first two years. It gives you more space to maneuver if you really want to ever change your major. Second: By “course,” do you refer to classes, or to the major itself, or in your life? A......   reply
20 07,2020
Hey, most people don’t pick a major or career course and whatnot their first year of college. My advice is to sign up for the basic courses (your required credits like math, etc.) and get those out of the way for now. It gives you time to figure out which specific classes you might take your next few years of college and what you want to do. Deci......   reply
19 07,2020
I know how you feel, my sister is going through the same thing. I'm actually jealous of her because she doesn't know what she wants but she is smart. She knows how to study well and manages to remember stuff for tests. I know what I want to be but I'm struggling to finish high school. I want to be an animator and work at a cartoon network then aft......   reply
08 08,2020
Most people don't know what they want to do in life and most people change what they're gonna do like 3 times in college. It's dumb to worry about this when you haven't attended college classes before because college give you the opportunity to explore unlike high school. This isn't something you need to stress about rn. I would only worry about th......   reply
19 07,2020
Do you have any ideas of careers you like or interest you? If there is none. Maybe you have to take a step back and think? In my opinion, its good to explore your abilities and interests. If taking a step back (ex. Stopping a year or something) is not an option (because of personal reasons)... Im not saying its effective bjt there are people who to......   reply
19 07,2020