Not into yuri
Yuri irks me... I'm open-minded when it comes to sexuality stuff but I'd really rather avoid reading yuri or shoujo ai even when I'm almost addicted to yaoi. I've sorta read it from scum's wish. It was kinda subtle but it made me feel uncomfortable so I finished the story in one go just so that I don't have to read it again.
I've grown to love yuri/shoujo ai though I did avoid it for similar reasons when I was younger. I think it's fine if it's not for you, as long as you're not one of those gross fujoshis who bash girls, yuri/shoujo ai, and straight relationships.
oh .. i guess im also kinda like you in that aspect SLamazon. im open minded too but somehow two girls f scene made me feel uneasy btw if I see there's a development between two girls.. ok, fine, that's good. but I definitely don't feel comfortable with it proceeding to any intimate scene. however, Im reading yaoi for almost two years and im fully ok with it
There’s nothing wrong with not being into yuri. I’m a straight woman so ofc I’ll be more attracted to a bl couple (but I personally can read everything as long as the characters are well-written, I think it’s the thing that matters the most) , also being « addicted » to yaoi is kinda unhealthy imo, idk as long as you don’t go around calling gay people uke and seme or hate straight couples (since it’s a thing « fujoshis » tend to do)
Yeah Yuri is not my fav but that’s just me. I’m not trying to discriminate, but it’s not something into. Maybe it’s because I’m not attracted to girls, but I like Yaoi more.