why do i even make promises anymore...

jino jino 2017-01-18 02:51:08 About stay up too late reading yaoi
I prayed that i pass first semester and promised to work my ass off in sem 2 if i did... i managed to barely pass yet here i am wasting 2 whole days (and probably tomorrow too) reading yaoi and playing games, sighs. When will i get my priorities straght


Kerrrr January 18, 2017 5:19 am

I really really REALLY want to write some encouraging words but I'm the type of person that sleeps on unfolded laundry on the bed. I never make my "adult" phonecalls in a timely fashion, I always wait until my car is running on gas fumes before I go to the gas station and the only reason I'm not fat is because I'm too lazy to cook better meals. But you know what? I ALWAYS pay my bills on time, I've NEVER made my employees wait for their paycheck, I'm an absolute genius in keeping things clean and my pets live like kings. My point is, it gets better. Maybe your schoolwork is fucking boring and your mind needs a different kind of stimuli. School is important, obviously. But sometimes you just need to cut yourself some slack and have realistic expectations so you don't go crazy with dissapointment. Try your best, and then try a tiny bit *harder*. Just get through it, life has bigger and better things to offer than school, but keep in mind that good grades unlock better chances later on. Good luck!!!!!!!!!

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