i just want to ask why some people want to be oppressed so bad? people are losing their lives and human rights but you are losing your shit over a harmless joke when you could've easily ignored it, making a big deal out of nothing and calling it oppression. I understand you feeling offended but saying you're oppressed just bcoz someone made a joke about you on mangago app? seriously
the way they brought up that term "heterophobia" to victimize themselves is funny to me and if you say that such a thing doesnt exist, they'll copy paste that one annoying dictionary defination and shove it on your face like okay we get it that you want to be oppressed
Are people here claiming to be oppressed? I didn't know.
Those that claim to be oppressed probably feel that they are not getting something they want or hear the word so often they use it without knowing what it means. Who ever said they were oppressed because of a joke, does not know what oppression means. They do, however, have the right to feel...... reply