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Well everyone, every human have their own perspective of discipline, or how they raise their child, or atleast perspective on everything, but everyone is influenced by the ones surrounding them, some may change their mind through what they see or hear...... And I've experienced, or have read some people's perspective of everything through myself, p......   reply
15 08,2020
Well the world isn’t kind and you should be lucky to have a warm loving family. I’m pretty sure your parents are worried of you getting infected by people sickness or illegal dealings. Maybe try to talk to your parents about it and try to listen to their opinion / point of view. Don’t worry about the cake. It’s common for parents treating k......   reply
11 07,2020
I'll take this question like a rant, just like you said at the end, and not like an actual question because... well... it'obvious. Maybe you won't care about it, but I want to write about the problem with sciences. Don't be upset. It happens multiple times. You have good grades, then you change your subject and then they start worsening. The same ......   reply
11 07,2020
Talk to your parents about this, otherwise nothing will change Tell them how you feel, honestly. (i have a strict dad who frowns at me even when i get a 90) Have confidence while and after you did it   reply
15 08,2020
being honest, it's only natural. positive reinforcement for good behavior, and negative for not; life will always be like that, and parents do that as well; not sure about cake, but that hit can be devastating; its about expectations, but how strict they are on that changes how your childhood and young adult life experience and will effect you in ......   reply
15 08,2020
I can't say I feel the same, but my parents don't normally reward me, even when I got straight A's...   reply
15 08,2020
For the question in the title, because receiving rewards for doing something well encourages children to continue to to do well and not giving a reward, usually, encourages children to work harder so they get the reward next time. Also, rewards can't always be given when you know there is room for improvement. As for your parents, talk to them abo......   reply
15 08,2020
YALL let’s allow people to rant about their struggles they probably don’t have anywhere else to talk about it   2 reply
11 07,2020
To re-enforce how a person should act. Rewarding them is the best way to promote good behaviour, just like smacking them is the way to enforce that bad behaviour isn’t right.   1 reply
16 08,2020

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