
sharknado sharknado 2017-01-15 17:02:22 About learn japanese chinese korean
I'm half Japanese and half Korean, so I naturally learnt to speak both languages. However, I moved to New Zealand when I was 7 months old, so I was forced to learn English. I remember being able to speak both languages fluently, but I was so young so now I've forgotten. I can still understand a lot of Japanese, and a tiny bit of Korean, and can also read Hiragana. It's a bit of a blow to my self esteem though since I always feel like I don't belong in Asian communities. Anyway, with Chinese I learnt it for 2 years at my old school. Woo.


Amita4ever April 16, 2017 3:27 am

when my father was stationed in Okinawa, Japan, I went to kindergarten in a native school that accepted English speaking students. By the time we left I could speak relatively well, but no - a few decades later - I only remember a dozen words. If you don't use it, you loose it. If only I had discovered manga sooner.

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