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11 07,2020
Stay respectful, hmm. I really wonder why you felt the need to post this now. Right now the world is going through a serious pandemic. In the United States, LGBTQ+ people no longer have access to health care. LGBTQ+ refugees who face persecution in their home countries are no longer able to come into the United States for sanctuary. People have bee......   16 reply
11 07,2020
[DELETED] 10 07,2020
I previously mentioned that my (bi)sexuality is as important as my being right-handed, and it's true. Unpopular perspective but irdc for LGBT+ culture and politics all that much. Before I see you as gay, lesbian, bisexual, whatever, I will try to see you as your own person. But if you're constantly revolving your whole personality around a specifi......   4 reply
10 07,2020
Mochi 11 07,2020
First things first, heterophobia isn't real. You immediately lose any credibility you thought you had when you use that word. It's a word literally made so straight people can compare their scarce experiences on the internet with real life problems of the LGBT community. Second, the minority in any situation may it be race, sexuality, gender, etc,......   4 reply
11 07,2020
11 07,2020
anyways... all the straggots get off this website edit: I DIDNT ACTUALLY READ ALL OF THIS AND "HETEROPHOBIC" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA   2 reply
11 07,2020
Uzumakii 11 07,2020
Chile some of yall are some gaslighting betches like I love you but you are. Even had me rethinking my answer defending straight people. Some of yall just bullies and are trying to excuse your bullying because straight people arent oppressed lmao. just because your words have no societal power behind it doesn't mean that straight people cant be dir......   3 reply
11 07,2020
11 07,2020
I'm not straight, but I definitely agree with that. I absolutely hate it when *some* members of LGBTQ+ community are nasty to straight people in general, just as I hate it when *some* straight people are nasty to LGBTQ+ people. To those that are saying heterophobia isn't real, yes it is. It's just as real as homophobia. And BOTH are equally disgu......   5 reply
11 07,2020
SmanCBE 11 07,2020
Heterophobia is not a problem. Gay people can make jokes about you being straight because it's harmless and it will only simply be a joke. You will never be refused from a store for being straight. You will never be disowned from your family for being straight. You will never have to worry about holding your lover's hand or showing any affection in......   4 reply
11 07,2020
And this post is why people say they're heterophobic   1 reply
11 07,2020
reinak01 11 07,2020
Look, I'm bi. Hell, I think I may lean towards girls more than guys. I'm thinking the online LGBTQ+ troll committee is just trying to normalize straight oppression. They're the special kinds of snowflakes. LOL it's like they're trying to change the world with hate. It's wild. Just for the record, they're not with us. Straight, gay, whatnot... Just ......   2 reply
11 07,2020
[DELETED] 11 07,2020
As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I agree with you. We're not going to convince homophobes that we're normal and deserving of equal rights if we start generalizing them they same way they did to us. In fact this kind of behavior just insights more hatred towards us.   2 reply
11 07,2020

real life problems

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