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I think: 1) Some of the most popular manhwas out there wouldn't be anywhere NEAR as popular as they are without these sites. 2) Traffic to this site probably does increase legal viewership as well I'm a full-time student and I try to pay for the comics I like when I can, but I have to make sure they're something I won't feel bad about spending mon......   1 reply
08 07,2020
I don't know and I don't understand why they make this a big thing about mangago since it was being done in other departments. Take novels for example you can find them online and download them for free in different types like mobi, pdf etc, there's also music and movies too. Subtitles for the movies are being translated by fans too. So why is it ......   1 reply
08 07,2020
Do I feel bad hm... A little,I mean we all out here trying to make a living. I'm not that hypocrite who be like 'omg I want to pay the artist and buy chapters but I have no money:'(((((' then goes out to buy Starbucks. I've bought fast passes on webtoon alot and a membership on toomics. But I've never bought chapters from lehzin or other apps. Goo......   1 reply
08 07,2020
Yes and no. I personally can afford to purchase some episodes and chapters off of places like Lezhin. When there is a story i have read on here that I really enjoyed I go back to it’s original publishing (lezhin, tappytoon, etc) and i purchase chapters when i have the money. My goal is to be able to eventually purchase all of the chapters from ......   2 reply
08 07,2020
No. Let’s be real, no matter how much I spend buying the ones I really like, there are others I read here that I don’t like enough to spend money on. Or I won’t spend money on ones that have been localized (I hate that) no matter how good they are (unless I don’t realize they have been localized). So no, I don’t feel guilty per se. I bu......   1 reply
08 07,2020
Yep. I really do feel bad about it, however in my case I only feel bad about pirating these comics. Movies, books, etc, that's fine imo, since the creators already have alot of money and an incredibly high pay. However with comics it's different. Artists aren't paid well, and so by pirating this stuff I feel really bad. Yes, I know that mangago and......   2 reply
08 07,2020
Yeah i try to read it on legal site if i have the chance but honestly most of my favourites ones are japanese and almost impossible to buy the english one   reply
09 07,2020
if you want you could always go to mangadex who is not as illegal as mangago, I only read some parts at mangago cuz here is more up to dates   reply
08 07,2020