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REMINDER: do not bash her. yes, ik what she did was wrong, but bashing her is almost equally wrong. INSTEAD, report her post or tell her off calmly.   reply
06 07,2020
That is one thing I do not care for in the yaoi fandom community. I like yaoi for the pretty pictures of hot guys, but have never understood the need to “ship”. Like isn’t it their enough yaoi to satisfy the need that thy need to try and see “boys love” everywhere they look? SMH   2 reply
06 07,2020
Reported for posting private pictures but I hope they can see that that's harassment, this girl is so wrong I cant even. I don't see in what mind this is right, like she really didn't think that through. She don't know the way this may affect them or how they'd feel once they saw the post. Awful, just awful.   reply
06 07,2020
Man... i mean try imagining yourself being shipped with your best friends and people been imagining you do sexual stuff. Even if the two boys are secretly in a relationship doesnt mean other people can fantasize abt them.. come one this is real life. Flesh and bones. Not a 2d world. Also to anyone bashing her, i think its better if we advise th......   reply
06 07,2020
What?? Is she dumb or what?? Fuck!! She got angry cause?! cause she get scolded for taking picture of other people without there permition!?Doesnt she know privacy?! dumb bitch   reply
06 07,2020
This is just wrong. Just wrong and gross. I have had people ship me and my best friend (I am a girl, they were a boy) and it is just uncomfortable! Makes you feel dirty.. I could never ship my friends or anyone for that matter. The closest I ever got is when I saw a hot guy at Taco Bell and thought he looked good. Then another guy sat with him and......   1 reply
06 07,2020
Jfc what is wrong with them First of all, they geniunly need to get a grasp of reallity, this is truly disgusting Second DO NOT UNDER ANY FUCKING CIRCUMSTANCE SHIP PEOPLE IRL You do not snuck your nose and control over other peoples relationship, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU BARELY KNOW SHIT ABOUT THEM And third I hope they get righfully punished.   reply
06 07,2020
I read the comments on that post from a week ago and no one seems to find any problem with it. Her followers doesnt give a fuck until someone else pointed it out. Im even more infuriated now. I just hope they could realize their mistakes and change for the better after this situation.   2 reply
06 07,2020
2 of my friends have done a similar thing as those girls and it really creeped my out but I didn’t have the guts to tell them. they both constantly said how they shipped these two guys to the guys’ faces. they also said they were gonna write a fanfic about the two. thankfully my friends realized doing stuff like that is rude and offensive.   reply
06 07,2020
"hOw DARE he THREATEN mE!!!" if they WERE a secret couple then she just outed them, which is potentially life-threatening. if they WERE'NT a secret couple (which imo is more likely) then she spread a rumor about them which could also be potentially life-threatening. either way she's homophobic as fuck, and grossly fetishizes gay men.   1 reply
06 07,2020

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