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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether you think they are right or not, whether you agree with it or not. If you can't handle their opinions then don't stress yourself and leave them be. I am a very open person so I wouldn't stop being friends with someone just because we share different views especially if the person hasn't wronged me ......   reply
05 07,2020
I'd like to have friends with different points of view honestly. I would very much like to be able to debate and discuss with these people to get their point of view and to learn from each other.   1 reply
07 07,2020
It depends. Of course i wouldnt want to be friends with bad people. But i wouldnt just break off a friendship with someone that has different views from me.   reply
07 07,2020
I'm fine with being friends with anyone as long as they're not a bad person. If they have different views about serious issues such as what has been happening in the world recently. I wouldn't really mind as long as they are being respectful and don't harm others, mentally or physically. Like, if someone was raised believing something, they wou......   1 reply
07 07,2020

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