Here's a Person who's Actually fine with Shotacon
Okay, so this is not one of those questions where I say disgusting shit and link pedos with Shotacon and say crap like we are part of the LQBTIA community. (We're not WTF is with that Bullshit)
I honestly don't know why people keep calling people who read Shotacon Pedos from MAP/NOMAP communities.
I can honestly tell you that a REAL child getting raped/sexually molested would not be funny. AT ALL!
People who do that should recieve the Death Penalty.
The reason I'm fine with Shotacon is because I know there is a Clear Boundary between Fiction and Reality. It's not to say that I actively seek out works of Shotacon genre. I like the ones with Grown ass men too. It's just that I don't mind it that much when I come across it.
So will idiots stop posting the CRAPPIEST QUESTIONS ON EARTH!!!!
If I had a penny for every time someone on this damned site thought "it's just fiction" was a real argument and not the load of shit that it actually is, I'd be fucking set for life.
1 reply
03 07,2020