Sleep Paralysis
When Im still in elementary school my big bro told me that one time he woke up and he knows that he's awake but he can't move even shout like he's trying but he can't, but lucky he woke himself up, and then he told me that if it happens to me i should try to wake myself up because maybe if i didnt try i will not wake up one day.
Tbh I always practice like i just lay in bed and think that i was paralyzed.
So When Im in highschool I always do procrastination so I always have a lot of unfinished projects and assignments and because of this my sleeping schedule is kinda fck up. So the fcking thing that i always been practicing since i was kid have come, like fck i cant move i know that im awake and my vision is dark like im panicking so i tried moving and then whooo i woke up, so when this happend i quickly told my big bro that it also happend to me and i also told my friends but one of my friends told me that it also happend to her but its different its like she woke up and saw her own self sleeping in the bed and the creepy thing is they were wearing the same clothes, like her soul leave her body.
So i thought it is a one time thing but well well it happend again, that time im the only one in the house, so when it happend i was sleeping at my side and then felt a white light hit my back and then im in sleep paralysis but during of it im kinda scared because i feel like someone is at the back but still tried to move and then i succesfully woke up but i go back to sleep like i didnt even open my eyes because what if that someone is staring at my face
(I know webmd is memed to death but it's a legitimate source for understanding basic stuff)
The more you understand it's just a natural process with no negative consequences, it will become easier to conscientiously stop yourself from panicking when it happens.
You're going to be ok :) Don't burden yourself with supernatural explanations, it's just a weird thing your brain does and there's not much you can do about it except maybe maintaining proper sleep hygiene
Thanks(⊙…⊙ )