WARNING: Really long thread and terrible grammar ahead
I remember when I was young I would dream of places around the area where I lived even though I haven't been to those places before. The dreams were pretty vivid enough for me to recognize the buildings in real life.I remember passing to one of those areas and experiencing major deja vu. As I grew older the dreams stopped.
This happened in 2019 I suppose. I had a dream where I envisioned an event that actually happened in real life. It was pretty odd. I think it was a dream about me talking to one of my club mates. The conversation in reality was similar to the conversation in my dream it was even the same person.
This odd dream confused me alot. I remember waking up in the middle of my living room on a dirty mattress. I was wearing my school uniform and a dora backpack. Everything was in a purplish hue, the atmosphere looked odd (it wasn't scary it was just weird, it looked pretty?). I looked around the living room and i see a teenaged boy with short black hair, rectangle rimmed glasses, wearing a white dress coat, and blue pants. I stood up and watched him as he washes dirty dishes. I was really confused and kinda scared. I then asked the boy "where is everyone?" No answer. After recieving no answer i walked out of my front door. I live on a 2nd floor apartment, so i was expecting a balcony but i ended up in a hallway. It looked like streets of a town. Since its a dream i of course went along with it. I walled through the empty streets. It was like a small Japanese town. I keep walking around until i heard loud thudding noises. I looked to where the sounds were coming from and saw many school kids running. I thought it was something important so i just ran towards them and i started running with them. I'm not sure what we were running from but we were running. We kept running until the Japanese streets turned into a street leading to my old elementary school. It was weird since my dream mind knew that im no longer in elementary school. Anyways we end up in the school to see many people there. Most of them i knew. And then it stopped there. This dream was months ago that i can't remember it well. Im pretty sure something else happened but i dont remember what.
Anyways enough of my blabbering. I'm pretty sure dreaming those areas were probably nothing, i have terrible memory so ive probably passed those areas many times to the point that i dream about them.Talking to my club mate probably wasn't anything either since we're close friends and the topic that we talked about we've talked about many times. The last dream wasn't so bad i guess the atmosphere was aesthetically pleasing and pretty lol.
