anybody up to talk?
soo i just recently got back into anime and manga, i used to read and watch it when i was younger but i stopped and now have started back up again
i recently started jjba and i’ve been binge watching hxh but the problem is that none of my friends like this kind of stuff :(( so if anyone is interested in becoming friends with me please drop your discord or ig, i’m really nice! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔっ
(p.s please don’t go crazy on me if i made this post wrong, i’m totally new to the site and i wasn’t sure whenever i should post this to experience or question > <)
Hi!! that sounds nice :) I have no friends interested in this stuff either... rip. My discord tag is anotherwatcher#8679 + I'm pretty sure you made the post right haha. btw I'm watching hxh too!
1 reply
01 07,2020