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30 06,2020
please go read "the perfect relationship" and tell me if he aint the most annoying uke ever   1 reply
30 06,2020
Siwoo, See You Again Hyung-soo, Hogu Hageyonsu   2 reply
30 06,2020
love is an illusion uke i cant still get over how dumb he is. the seme is so precious. im not good in remembering the title and names i guess when i see it again ill remember the ukes hahaha love is an illusion is exception because the uke really got me super mad so i cant forget him   reply
30 06,2020
hyesung from love is an illusion. like, I don't even know if he was tsundere or just with dojin because it's convenient   reply
30 06,2020
hate list i can't stand these six bitches   1 reply
30 06,2020
araya 30 06,2020
Honestly I got really pissed at Raising a Bat's MC, I can't remember his name sorry. He made a lot of haste decisions that led to bad scenarios. I know he didn't do anything wrong because he's envious that he led a painful life compared to the vampire. But i nearly dropped the manhwa at the beginning because of his immature decisions. But the art i......   1 reply
30 06,2020
so one is going to mention this bitch huh   3 reply
02 07,2020
this bitch. he really said huh I guess I'll let this dude fuck me. Wait he's not actually a girl who turned into a boy? well fuck I think I love him and now I'm jealous he actually has a life unlike me who's a loner >:(   3 reply
30 06,2020
The uke from love is an illusion. I know everyone likes it but honestly I dropped it because of the way he was treating his partner. I don’t know all the context and if there’s a reason behind why he acted so poorly but all I know is I couldn’t put up with it lmao. Edit: BRUH I DDINT SEE THE REST OF THE ANSWERS BUT HONESTLY GO OFF ON HIM AHA......   1 reply
30 06,2020
THIS THOT. Not from the main pairing but you can say he's the second most important character? I want to break his neck. WHY I FUCKING HATE AKIO: - MEGA THOT - he let his brother get raped - he wants to rape his brother - sexually assaults people - selfish af - stoopid af - takes advantages of other's insecurity and disabilities - SUPREME THOT   2 reply
30 06,2020

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