So— given our current situation based on the #BLM protests, I wanted to ask about colourism. Discrimination based on the colour of someone’s skin has been really present and active all over the world, especially against people of black backgrounds.
In Asia, colourism is STILL incredibly active. As seen in Asian skin-care commercials, skin “brightening” is the act of attempting to make skin WHITER. It is commonly seen as “more beautiful” to be white-skinned in Asia than tanned. Although some people acknowledge it as “personal preference” and relate it back to Asian history, this does not validate such discriminatory actions. Really, Asian countries have been socially unprogressive towards this sad issue. Especially Kpop (take for example, Kai from EXO).
I wanted to ask you guys about your opinions on a manga website because I realised this issue is active within anime + manga + Kpop (extremely), which is a shared interest everyone has on here.
Not trying to insultingly target Asia, just an opinion.
Well, In my opinion, people fetishize what they want and also decide on what's supposedly 'attractive' to the market or the general public. Personally, I've never been told I was ugly for my skin colour or anything but I've been in groups and had conversations where guys and girls would say that they would prefer lighter-skinned partners (not gonna......
27 06,2020