A moment where you were proud of yourself

sensei sensei 2020-06-26 00:15:35 About moment proud of yourself
So im kinda proud of myself today cause Ive been holding off checking my marks for school. Ive always liked telling myself that a number should not determine my happiness but it does, and thats reality for me. So I kept going back and fourth between brower tabs, trying to find a manga to distract me and chickening out looking at my mark. So i finally looked on impulse and saw that I got an 80 in biology which means i got honour roll!!! Which is 80% average or above. See my first semester of 4 classes werent all that great and I almost failed my functions course and ended with a 57, so I knew 2nd semester I needed to work really hard and I did and got rewarded. I barely made honour role btw with an 80.5 average. Im extremely happy but I have no one to tell so I just wanted to let it out here even if no one reads it. Thanks if you made it this far! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Also been wanting to learn asl for a long time and strated today!! (≧∀≦)
Also please share cause I wanna hear about yalls proud moments too


GO TF TO SLEEP June 26, 2020 3:10 am

It sounds kinda dumb to say this but small things like showering, getting out of bed, or even just brushing my teeth make me feel a little better. I have depression so small things like that are hard for me to do properly.

Pananaoctopus August 1, 2020 8:12 pm

Same like brushing my hair or just getting outta bed is like my brain is like bitch don’t move I’m depressed nooooooo why did u move now I have to actually feed u and make u look alive even tho u don’t feel alive. I have depression and anxiety tho I try to make the best outta it.

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