Bad friend - any of you had a friend cross the line?

Kaikai Kaikai 2020-06-24 03:35:16 About question
I recently read a manga that had a friend betrayal but it brought up some memories.

{Story time}

I had a guy friend I made during highschool and he was a senior n nice. I was a junior. However one day he started bashing on me saying how much more prettier my sister was than me, comparing me to people or making comments on my appearance. Even said I was a goody two shoes and should stay innocent cuz he liked me better that way. Then he'd switch and say very sexual aggressive things to me or touch me when I told him not to. I remember I made a joke about him back and he told my to shut up or he'll shove his dick down my throat n choke me. He did this randomly but I guess not too often cause he was nice most the time. It was like he'd randomly snap on me. What stopped our friendship is when he drove me to his house to hang out and when I said I was ready to go home he locked me in his basement (which was his room too) and said he'd rape me if I freaked. I didn't get out til his step dad got home to check on him. He saw me and asked if I was staying for dinner.(he was oblivious to wht just happened) Anyway i just wanted to go home so i asked again for the friend to take me home, he did, as he drove me home he was acting like he was joking about everything when I tried to confront him. I got home blocked him n avoided him at school, which was hard cause we had classes together. He ended getting a gf later, trying to rub it in my face saying hed date but he had her, who he thought was prettier and he would never marry me. (Which was as random a it sounds cuz who brought up marriage??) but when I didn't react he ignored me too. I never really hated him cuz he wasn't always so weird and b4 it went down hill I remember him always saying I was too good for him and shouldn't stay around him at random times but always kinda jokingly. That experience always is kinda stuck in the back of my head and idk y? Im 20 now, I haven't really told anybody and of course I didn't write the full story here either.


Kaikai August 12, 2020 10:22 am

O my literal shit I thought I deleted this but thank u to those who reply u all r great

saayol June 24, 2020 4:20 am

>emotional and mental abuse
>locking you in a basement
>threatening sexual violence
what a fucking psycho like sorry but seriously what the fuck was wrong with this dude

Kaikai August 12, 2020 10:29 am

I honestly don't kno

Pandawolf101 June 24, 2020 4:13 am

When I was in grade school I became friends with another girl who showed up in the middle of the school year. We were friends for about a year when she started bullying me. I stayed the night at her house every weekend because her house was just down the block from mine. One weekend she decided to make an obstacle course which was fine, then she told me I was her horse and that I had to run it which I was like okay whatever. But after I went around it twice I was done so I told her no and she whipped me with a stick to get me to keep running. This was the first time she had done anything like this so I just thought she was having a bad day but after that she often would set up these courses, sometimes she would use a stick to whip me and other times it was a belt she even left a welt on my back once from hitting me with the belt buckle. And the whipping wasn't only when I would stop she started doing it whenever she decided I wasn't running fast enough as well. But I was a kid and she was my best friend so I ignored it and just enjoyed the good times we still had, but she started bullying me outside of the courses as well. I remember she once threw a kitten at my head and when I got angry at her for it because you shouldn't never throw a kitten she grabbed me by my hair and ripped a handful of my hair out leaving a small bald spot on the top of my head. Nothing was ever enough for her so she started sexually assaulting me, almost everytime I was at her house she would pin me down and touch my or force me to touch her. The last time I saw her she locked me in a trailer in 90 degree weather giving me heat stroke and an asthma attack before she moved and I never saw her again. And like you I never hated her, I hated the things she did to me but she was my best friend for awhile. Anybody who knows this story about me says I'm loyal to a fault and that I need to learn how to hate people but it just not something I can do.

saayol June 24, 2020 4:36 am

my guy, that shit you described is straight up horrible and abusive to all hell and fuck do I hope you've found friends that treat you better

Kaikai August 12, 2020 10:25 am

Thank you for sharing. I literally felt shivers n my heart breaking reading. Sorry for replying late too I thought I deleted my original post. I hope u doing better now you went thru alot

thatuwush*t June 24, 2020 3:48 am

wow this is really heavy, I can't imagine how this makes you feel. it is completely understandable that you still think about this experience due to the assumed trauma of this personal relationship. I hope that this past experience does not define the you today, and if you are still working through your emotions I would recommend speaking to a trusted medical professional/counselor/psychotherapist. I hope you no longer consider the individual who did this to you to be your friend and is no longer a part of your life, as they clearly display manipulative behavior that is deep rooted in their psychology. I'm glad you can use this outlet to talking about this, but there an unfortunately limited amount support that people can provided over the internet. Just remember that the process of growing past that point in your life is not a straight line, and if you feel that you need/want it it is completely alright to ask for support from those you trust, if they are truly in your corner they will do their best to help life you up.
All the love and support in the world~

Kaikai August 12, 2020 10:28 am

Thank you

Kimmi June 24, 2020 3:44 am

Thats sexual harrassment, dont repent him by remembering his good attributes. hope ur doing better now.

Kaikai August 12, 2020 10:29 am

Yea I try to not think about it. I just remember randomly


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