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if you cant forget it i guess just embrace it? i dont know what youve read but if it was something fucked up that you werent supposed to enjoy but still did just try to embrace it so that you can quickly forget about it and put it past you rather than thinking too much abt it. maybe just accept it whilst not letting it affect your depiction of real......   2 reply
23 06,2020
I've read a lot of messed up stuff as well (when I was younger and didn't have as good a sense of moral boundaries and my own triggers) that made me feel incredibly guilty. But remember that while you may have enjoyed reading that stuff in the moment (which is understandable - even unethical content can be written well), you clearly felt guilty aft......   2 reply
23 06,2020
I have just saw this question and i kinda feel you, I myself have a kinda the same problem but not really I 7 months ago, i became a otaku. i went to my friend's place and asked if they know what anime and manga was,they didnt have a clue so it made me realize, if i told my friends i'd be so different like when i used to not know what anime and man......   2 reply
23 06,2020
I feel you! Due to being exposed to very inappropriate things and very dangerous people at a young age, I found myself reading/watching content that was very very gross. My way to cope with this now is knowing that I was young! I didn't know it was wrong and I can't change the past, I can only acknowledge that I'm a different person now and would n......   1 reply
23 06,2020
What kind of stuff did you read? You don't have to answer if you don't want to though but im not someone to judge even if its really disgusting or immoral. Im assuming that what you've read is fiction and there is nothing wrong with enjoying fiction as horrible or nasty as it might be, as long as you can separate fiction and reality. You should nev......   1 reply
23 06,2020
So long as you are able to keep what's in fiction in fiction, everything is fine to read. Actually, I think you "enjoyed" it only because it was fiction. My only advice would be to let it slide, and maybe to drown it in fluffy things? Sometimes overwriting a memory works well, so reading something that gives you and extremely satisfying feeling m......   1 reply
23 06,2020
I'm not sure what media you are consuming, but as long as it's fictional and it doesn't involve real people or god forbid real children you are fine. I'm also not sure how old you are, I'm not sure if you are a minor. I know I've seen nsfw as early as 13 and honestly it's the internet and fucked up things are out there and it's up to you (or your p......   1 reply
23 06,2020
I think it is okay to enjoy whatever you read. For an example, I read a lot of stories that have rape in it and I am okay with it because it is just fiction and just because I read about rape in some manga doesn't mean I suddenly support it and will rape others too. I feel like as long as I know in real life how harmful and terrible it is and stick......   1 reply
23 06,2020