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I don't know what you mean by 'sexualise mom' but it's totally fine to like watching gay porn/ yaoi as long as you don't fetishize it. There are lot of people who are anti yaoi/ fujoshi and fudanshi but i think that only people who fetishize yaoi and ship irl males together are bad and toxic. I'm male but I also like reading yaoi. Hope this answer......   2 reply
22 06,2020
If ya like bein totally open and watching porn and reading yaoi in public that is very uncivilized . A lot of people are disgusted if someone did that especially in countries who really do not accept this unholy acts so try keep to yourself or with your friends who share the same interest cuz BRUH dont be uncivilized in the eyes of normal folks   1 reply
23 06,2020
If you are comfortable with who you are, other people's opinions should not matter to you unless you are causing harm to yourself or others. If you like gay porn or yaoi, go big. Nothing is wrong with it as long as it's legal and preferably in the privacy of your own home...or another consenting persons home. Just don't be watching it in public.   1 reply
23 06,2020
Yeah dont watch porn in public it can make people uncomfortable   1 reply
23 06,2020