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20 06,2020
Play it safe hun. Go with your gut, if it feels off or creepy talk to an admin on your server. If they do not do anything then just leave the server. I was 16 many moons ago and there are a lot of creeps out there! I am a 30yo mom of 2 from Indiana. Please play it safe and ALWAYS go with your gut IRL and online.   1 reply
20 06,2020
21 06,2020
no u arent overreacting. if u dont like something or feel uncomfortable or hell just because u like things a certain way as long as its not hurting someone u are free to do just that. also the community is full of ppl who prey on young ppl trying to manipulate them even guilt them into doing things. so no hon, u do u. also the fact that he got pi......   reply
21 06,2020
himbostanaccount 21 06,2020
baby stay safe, older men usually go for younger ppl since they're easier to manipulate. best thing to do is block him he sounds predatory   reply
21 06,2020
20 06,2020
just ignore him. if he continues then explicitly express your disinterest in him. block him   1 reply
20 06,2020
20 06,2020
And he keeps saying we're friends even though I barely know this guy. And tbh I don't want to be friends with someone so much older than me who may have ulterior motives. But again, this is basically my first time reaching out to people on discord so I'd like some advice.   1 reply
20 06,2020

made a discord server

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